[ Men Laughing ]
[ Rattling ]
I can't say as I blame you,
standing by yourself.
There's no such thing as
pleasant companionship
on this tawdry vessel.
Sorry,, but I ain't supposed to
talk to nobody while I'm on watch.
Captain Greybar says I got
the attention span of a circus monkey.
I don't think your Capt. Greybar
is qualified to cast aspersions
on the character of others.
I don't speak Spanish.
Pardon me, I seem
to have forgotten your name.
Kenneth, uh...
your captain has been under
a great deal of stress recently
and he's in need of a holiday.
You mean like Halloween?
Like Halloween.
Wouldn't you like to help
your weary, captain rest
his rum-soaked bones?
Uh...yeah, I guess...
if you think he'd like that.
- What do I gotta do?
- It's magnificently simple.
Tonight, after they've
all fallen asleep,
change the course of the boat
and head it for Hawaii.
- You think you're capable of that?
- Sure.
I ain't too swift about other stuff,
but I know maps real good.
So, he'll be happy
about this, huh?
No, absolutely. In fact,
I overheard him telling somebody,
""My wouldn't it be jolly-jack splendid
to spend a fortnight or two in Hawaii?''
Yup, that sounds like him.
You do good impressions.
Right. Okay, then fine.
After they've all fallen into
their alcohol-induced slumbers,
we'll put our little plan
into action.
Remember, this is
our little secret, yeah?
- [ Laughing ]
- Okay.