Son of a bitch!
Come on, come on.
You'll go to jail, pal.
What is that? What do you think
you have there?
You broke the law.
You are such a Boy Scout.
Look at you. You see everything
in black and white.
No, not black and white, Ritter.
Right and wrong!
- You see! There you go again.
- Why was I kept out of it?
You're neck deep in it.
You went before Congress.
You got the money for it.
You lied under oath...
- I never lied to Congress!
- You told them no troops.
- There are troops!
- You know I didn't know that.
No. I have no recollection of that.
That's the term you have to learn.
- Who authorised this?
- Sure, they'll ask you that.
- Who authorised this?
- I have no recollection...Senator.
I did not sign up for somebody's
bullshit political agenda.
Who authorised this? Cutter?