You broke the law.
You are such a Boy Scout.
Look at you. You see everything
in black and white.
No, not black and white, Ritter.
Right and wrong!
- You see! There you go again.
- Why was I kept out of it?
You're neck deep in it.
You went before Congress.
You got the money for it.
You lied under oath...
- I never lied to Congress!
- You told them no troops.
- There are troops!
- You know I didn't know that.
No. I have no recollection of that.
That's the term you have to learn.
- Who authorised this?
- Sure, they'll ask you that.
- Who authorised this?
- I have no recollection...Senator.
I did not sign up for somebody's
bullshit political agenda.
Who authorised this? Cutter?
Cutter couldn't tie his shoes
without permission.
- If I go down, you go down with me.
- Wrong again.
I have an autographed
"Get Out of Jail Free" card.
"The President authorises the Deputy
Director CIA Robert Ritter" -
- "to conduct Operation Reciprocity
including all support necessary."
"This operation is deemed important
to the national security of the U.S."
You don't have one of these,
do you, Jack?
Grey! The world's grey, Jack!