- l don't appreciate your ruse, ma'am.
- l beg your pardon ?
Your ruse.
Your cunning attempt to trick me.
I was only pointing out that
you weren't paying any attention
to what l was saying.
And l hope it feels good.
- You hope what feels good ?
- l hope it feels so good to be right.
There's nothing more exhilarating...
than pointing out
the shortcomings of others, is there ?
[ Heavy Sigh ] Well, this is
the last time l rent here !
- You will be missed.
- Screw you !
- Hey, you're not allowed
to rent here anymore !
- [ Jay ] Yeah !
Screw me ?
- You'll never believe
what this unruly customer just said.
- Wait.
- She in here ?
- This guy's going through all the eggs.
This has been going on
for 20 minutes now.
- What's he looking for ?
- Said he has to find the perfect dozen.
- Perfect dozen ?
- Each egg has to be perfect.
- The quest isn't going well ?
- Obviously not.
- Look at all the cartons
that didn't make the grade.
- Why doesn't he mix and match ?
- l told him that, and he yelled at me.
- What'd he say ?
He said
it was important to have standards.
He says no one has any pride anymore.
It's not like
you laid the eggs yourself.
I give him five more minutes.
After that, I'm calling the cops.
I don't need this.
I'm not even supposed to be here today.
Two packs of cigarettes.
- I'm as puzzled as you.
- I've actually seen it before.
- You know him ?
- No, but l know the behavior.
- Let me guess. He's looking
for the perfect carton of eggs ?
- [ Randal ] How'd you know ?
- I'll bet you a million dollars
he's a guidance counselor.
- [ Dante ] Why do you say that ?
I saw it happen in Food City,
Like, last year. Different guy, though.
Stock boy said he'd been looking through
cartons of eggs for half an hour,
doing all sorts
of endurance tests and stuff.
I asked him why nobody ever called
the manager, and he said it happens...
two, three times a week, sometimes more.
- Get out of here.
- No, l kid you not.