Due South

That was my case.
The kid said he'd only
talk to the guy in the hat.

Could you?
Thank you very kindly.

I'm with the guy in the hat,
fellas,... you're not.

[Door banged]
I told you I didn't shoot nobody.
I never even saw the gun before yesterday.
Where did you see it?

Like your pocket.
Interview is over.

I'm sorry... May I?
Why don't you tell us
how you found it, Willie?

I was on my way home from school?
[Ray clears throat]
Okay, the track.
And I see this lady come out
of this building on Michigan Avenue.

You got a number on that building.
Oh yeah right.
I wrote it down on my lap top.

Well anyway, she goes down this alley...
...and there's no one around...
...and her bag is just hanging there...

...so I grab it and took off.
I get away,...
find the gun in the bag,... end of story.

'Fraid not Tolstoy.
You see, you happen to steal a bag,...

...which happens to have a gun in it,...
which happens to have been used
in commission of a robbery.

So I had a bad day.
So, tell me something I don't know.

This woman.
Can you describe her?
Can you get me out of here?
Right-right, I know, you'll do your best.
No way.
No way is that kid going to walk.

Lt. we have his prints on the gun
and it was in his procession.

The kid's a pick pocket.
He could have gotten the gun anywhere.

Your eye witness can't even place him
at the scene, Lewis.

One of the offenders matches
his height and frame, Ray.

Oh yeah, you're right,...
...why try to find who did it when you can
blame the nearest twelve year old.

I know a toddler
who you can arrest for assault.

That's enough.
You and me on the roof.

Waoh-ho-o- easy now.
Detective Vecchio,...
...I could have sworn I specifically
assigned this case to Detective Huey
and Detective Gardino.

That's right Lt.
Our case our call.

Shut up Louie.
It's Louis sir.

Lieutenant? Could I help it
if the kid'll only talk to a Mountie?

Ah yes... The Mountie.
I thought they sent you back up
to the Yukon?
