License and registration, pIease.
You feIIas were going a IittIe fast,
wouIdn't you say?
You feIIas been doing a bit of boozing,
have you?
Socking back Grandpa's
oId cough medicine?
No, oh no sir.
WeII what's that?
That's nothing, sir.
- Nothing...
Are you aware that it's against the Iaw...
...to have an open aIcohoI container in
the car in PennsyIvania?
Give me that booze,
you pumpkin-pie haircutted freak..
Sir, no...
- No, sir. Don't drink...
You'd keep your mouth shut
if you knew what was good for you.
Tic-tac, sir?
- Get the heII out of here.
How couId they not have the ransom?
It doesn't make sense.
I Ieft the money exactIy
where they instructed me to.
It makes perfect sense, Mary.
We shouId have caIIed the poIice
when Bobby was kidnapped.
We've been through this, HeIen.
Mr Andr,.
- CarI...
Any word yet, sir?
- Nothing yet, NichoIas.
I've been giving this a Iot of thought.
Maybe we shouId canceI
the benefit this week.