I toId you what happened, okay?
- Okay, sure thing.
A Iook, were aImost in CoIorado.
ShaII we change seats?
I've been driving for nine hours.
I don't have the energy
to start a new state.
Hey guys. Big guIps, huh?
See you Iater.
Hey, Harry. I've got some...
Some peopIe just weren't cut out
for Iife on the road.
I was wondering when
you were going to get up.
How Iong have I been out?
I'd say a good five hours.
I expected the Rocky Mountains
to be rockier than this.
I was thinking the same thing.
That John Denver is fuII of shit, man.
I'm onIy human, Harry.
Anyone can make a mistake.
Come on, stop being a baby.
So we backtracked a tad...
A tad? You drove a sixth
of the way across the country...