I was wondering when
you were going to get up.
How Iong have I been out?
I'd say a good five hours.
I expected the Rocky Mountains
to be rockier than this.
I was thinking the same thing.
That John Denver is fuII of shit, man.
I'm onIy human, Harry.
Anyone can make a mistake.
Come on, stop being a baby.
So we backtracked a tad...
A tad? You drove a sixth
of the way across the country...
...in the wrong direction!
Now we don't have enough money
to get Aspen, to get home...
...to eat. We don't have
enough money to sIeep!
We can't sit here and whine about it.
We're in a hoIe and we'II have
to dig ourseIves out.
Okay. You'II right,
you're absoIuteIy right.
Where are you going?
- Home, I'm waIking home.
WeII, pardon me, Mr Perfect!
I guess I forgot:
you never make a mistake!