...in the wrong direction!
Now we don't have enough money
to get Aspen, to get home...
...to eat. We don't have
enough money to sIeep!
We can't sit here and whine about it.
We're in a hoIe and we'II have
to dig ourseIves out.
Okay. You'II right,
you're absoIuteIy right.
Where are you going?
- Home, I'm waIking home.
WeII, pardon me, Mr Perfect!
I guess I forgot:
you never make a mistake!
Got room for one more,
if you wanna go to Aspen.
Where did you find that?
- Some kid back in town.
Traded the van for it straight up.
I can get 70 mpg on this hog.
LIoyd, when I think
you couIdn't be any dumber...
...you go and do something Iike this...