Cripes, what am I gonna tell the cast?.
It's press night and there's no press!
- Do you believe in ghosts?.
- Nah, Tommy.
That's just kiddie
spook stories.
Onceyou're dead,
you stay dead.
I don't kknow, Bill.
Out on that battlefield today,
I saw this woman dressed in white...
floating above the dunes.
Maybe it was just fatigue or maybe
it's the indignities ofwar.
Ormaybe it's
Hey, I think
I see somethin'.
I offeryou mortals
the bird of peace...
so that you may change
your ways...
and end this destruction.
[Squeaking Resumes ]
What a show!
Evetyone was terrifiic.
Paul, your second act monologue
actually gave me the chills.
- Oh, thanks, Eddie.
- I got the early edition,
hot off the presses!
This is the big moment.
- [ Exhales ]
- Oh, what does that old queen know?.
She didn't even show.
Sent her copy boy
to do the dirty work.
- Sc-rew you, Miss Crowley.
- Do I really have a face like a horse?.
What does ""ostentatious" mean?.
Hey, it's not that bad. You can't
concentrate on the negative.
Look, he's got some
nice things to say here.
""The soldiers' costumes
are very realistic." That's positive!
- Rave of the century.
- Well, I've seen a lot worse reviews.
I've seen reviews where they didn't
even mention the costumes.
Like that last Francis the Mule picture.
It got terrible notices.
- Huge hit!
- Lines around the block.
That's right. Don't take it too
seriously. We're all doing great work.
- Do you really think so?.
- Absolutely.