Paul, your second act monologue
actually gave me the chills.
- Oh, thanks, Eddie.
- I got the early edition,
hot off the presses!
This is the big moment.
- [ Exhales ]
- Oh, what does that old queen know?.
She didn't even show.
Sent her copy boy
to do the dirty work.
- Sc-rew you, Miss Crowley.
- Do I really have a face like a horse?.
What does ""ostentatious" mean?.
Hey, it's not that bad. You can't
concentrate on the negative.
Look, he's got some
nice things to say here.
""The soldiers' costumes
are very realistic." That's positive!
- Rave of the century.
- Well, I've seen a lot worse reviews.
I've seen reviews where they didn't
even mention the costumes.
Like that last Francis the Mule picture.
It got terrible notices.
- Huge hit!
- Lines around the block.
That's right. Don't take it too
seriously. We're all doing great work.
- Do you really think so?.
- Absolutely.
- [ Thunderclap ]
- Honey, what if I'm wrong?.
- What if I just don't got it?.
- Ed, it was only one review.
Orson Welles was only 26
when he made Citizen Kane.
I'm already 30.
Ed, you're still young.
This is the time in your life when
you're supposed to be struggling.
I know. But I'm scared it's not going
to get any better than this.
Oh, I hate having
to wake up this early.
Gosh, where's
my pink sweater?.
I can never seem to find
my clothes any more.
Hey, big shot! Get offyour ass and get
this over to the executive building.
- Sure thing, Mr Kravitz.
- Hey, Charlie, come here.
What did I tell ya about watering these
plants, eh?. I want some water on 'em!