Great to see ya! 8:00 on the dot.
Right on time.
- I'm always on time.
- Oficourseyou are.
[Ed] We've got a big day
planned fioryou.
But fiirst we're gonna
start out kkinda easy with you
in that armchair over there.
Then once you're up to speed
and cookin', we'll reset and
bring in the lab equipment.
- Eddie?.
- Huh?.
- What about my money?.
- Huh?. Oh.
What are you people doing?.
Get back to work!
All right, people.
Let's get ready.
Mr Lugosi,
I know you're very busy...
but, um, can I have
your autograph?.
You know which movie ofyours I love,
Mr Lugosi?. The Invisible Ray.
You were great
as Karloff's sidekick.
Fuck you!
Karloff does not deserve
to smell my shit!
That limey cockksuckker
can rot in hell fior all I care!
-What happened?.
-How dare that asshole bring up Karloff?.
You thinkk it takkes talent
to play Frankkenstein?