All right, people.
Let's get ready.
Mr Lugosi,
I know you're very busy...
but, um, can I have
your autograph?.
You know which movie ofyours I love,
Mr Lugosi?. The Invisible Ray.
You were great
as Karloff's sidekick.
Fuck you!
Karloff does not deserve
to smell my shit!
That limey cockksuckker
can rot in hell fior all I care!
-What happened?.
-How dare that asshole bring up Karloff?.
You thinkk it takkes talent
to play Frankkenstein?
It's all make-up and, and, grunting.
[ Grunts ]
I agree.
Bela, I agree 1 00%
Now, Dracula, that's a role
that requires talent.
Of course!
Dracula requires presence.
It's all in the eyes
and the voice...
- and the hand.
- That's right. That's right.
You seem a little agitated. You wanna
go outside and get some air?.
Bullshit! I'm ready now.
Roll the camera!
We're rolling.
- Sound. Speed.
- Scene 97, take one. Mark.
[ Quietly ]
Beware of the big,
green dragon...
that sits on your doorstep.
He eats little boys...
puppy dog tails...
and big, fat snails.