Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

Sissy had crossed
the continent 400 times

and passed everybody twice...
but she had never
seen anything

like what she had just
witnessed in Julian's apartment.

Turning to the Countess'
for an explanation,

she received instead,
another surprise.

Sissy, you can desist
from wearing paths

in those
forgotten highways.

The Countess
has arranged a job for you.

And what a job.
A job for me?
I am once more about
to make advertising history.

And only you, the original
Yoni Yum Dew girl

could possibly assist me.
"The Food and Drug Administration
said Wednesday,

female deodorant sprays
may cause such harmful reactions

as blisters,
burns, and rashes.

Although FDA judges
that the reported reactions

are not sufficient
to j-justify

removal of these pr-products
from the market,

they are sufficient
to warrant

the proposed mandatory
label warnings."

Shit, oh dear, it's enough
to make me asthmatic.

The nerve of those twits.
What do they know about female odor?

Don't interrupt...
here's my concept.
My little ranch out west,
it's a beauty ranch.
Well, it has a few head
of cattle

for atmosphere
and tax purposes...

but it is
a beauty ranch...

a place where unhappy women,
divorcees, and widows mostly

can go to lose weight,
uh, remove wrinkles,
or change their hairstyle

and pretty themselves up
for the next disappointment.

My ranch is called
"The Rubber Rose,"

after the "Rubber Rose"
douche bag.

My own invention and,
bless its little red bladder,

is the most popular
douche bag in the world.

So, get this.
It is on the migratory flight path
of the whooping crane.
