I'm Miss Adrian
from the ranch.
The Countess wrote me
that I should expect you.
Oh, get in.
You must be exhausted.
Uh, Donna, help
Ms. Hankshaw with her...
...with her luggage.
You really ought to have phoned.
We were just in Sisters
escorting some guests
to the afternoon train.
More guests leaving
ahead of schedule.
Three checked out today.
They decided to transfer
to Elizabeth Arden's Main Chance Spa
in Phoenix, Arizona.
It costs $250 a week more
than at the Rubber Rose.
So, why are our guests leaving
and going to Elizabeth Arden's?
I'll tell you why.
It's that plague of cowgirls.
I'd like to complain.
Some of you cowgirls have been
sleeping two to a bunk again
in violation of the agreement
that "crimes against nature,"
are to be kept confined
to the hayloft.
Well, I don't care who sleeps with who
or where or how.
But the moaners and the groaners
and the screamers
ought to turn down
their volume
'cause some of us
are trying to sleep...
or meditate.
I'd like to complain
about the food here.
It's rotten to the core.
Hallelujah, sister.
They've gradually infiltrated
every sector of our program.
The one named Debbie...
she considers herself an expert
on diet and exercising.
The ball...
with Bonanza Jellybean's
- And against my explicit orders...
- Someday...
she's been coercing
the guests
into trying something
called Kundalini yoga.
Do you know
what that is?
It's trying
to mentally force
a serpent of fire
to crawl up your spinal column.
Oh, and there's
a new one.