Guarding Tess

I have never been so embarrassed
in my life. I want to go home.

I don't want to go to the hotel, and
I will never return to Columbus again.

Yes, ma'am.
For what it's worth,
I was just trying to help.

Your help is most precisely what I do
not want. When will you people get that?

Hello. Oh.
- Please, no autographs now.
- It's good to see you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Mrs. Carlisle.
- You got my vote!
- I appreciate that. Thank you so much.

Thanks for coming, Tess.
What is this?
I just wanted her autograph.

I'll do you one better. Write me,
and I'll get you an autographed picture.

- Good night, ma'am.
- Oh, a picture. How wonderful.

Well, thank you so very much.
Very nice and wonderful.

I hope you enjoyed the opera
as much as I did.

Thank you. I've changed my mind.
We'll be staying in Columbus tonight.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Give 'em hell, Tess.

What do you care
where she sits?
