Guarding Tess

Hello. Oh.
- Please, no autographs now.
- It's good to see you.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

Mrs. Carlisle.
- You got my vote!
- I appreciate that. Thank you so much.

Thanks for coming, Tess.
What is this?
I just wanted her autograph.

I'll do you one better. Write me,
and I'll get you an autographed picture.

- Good night, ma'am.
- Oh, a picture. How wonderful.

Well, thank you so very much.
Very nice and wonderful.

I hope you enjoyed the opera
as much as I did.

Thank you. I've changed my mind.
We'll be staying in Columbus tonight.

- Yes, ma'am.
- Give 'em hell, Tess.

What do you care
where she sits?

She's supposed to be where the driver
and I can both see her at the same time.

I know that. That's not what I'm asking.
This detail's a cupcake.

It may be the most boring detail in
the service, but it's still a cupcake.

Why are you gonna risk your career
on crap like that?

Because it's not crap.
It's my job.

I'm either gonna do it right, take pride
in it, or find something else to do.

You're right.
I can't argue.

But Doug,
I wouldn't piss her off.

- More calls to the White House, and...
- I'll be guarding the president's dog.

Bullshit. You'll be gone.
You try to get a job out there now.

Know what they want in private security?
Guys that can bench-press 9,000 pounds.

This is a good deal.
You've let it get personal.

It's not personal.
Of course it is. She doesn't even know
the rest of us are alive.
