While Tamasaburo was wavering
over the desires of his youth,...
...Bunta of Mizunomi Swamp
was wandering the fields of Sado,...
...searching for Futatsu-iwa Danzaburo.
In this, he was like the legendary
Zushio Maru looking for his mother.
But for some reason,
he was never able to find...
...the whereabouts
of the renowned Danzaburo.
Between summer to autumn,
the tanuki faced some serious problems.
From the obvious reduction
of the forest due to development,...
...to the spring marriages and the baby
boom which doubled their numbers...
...and finally, to the unusual summer
which created a severe food shortage.
As expected, there were not enough
chestnuts or persimmons in the autumn.
The transforming tanuki were forced
to actively seek out human food.
But there was never enough to satisfy
the needs of the growing children.
Thus, tanuki who
couldn't transform were forced to raid...
...the inhabited areas
and try to take anything edible.
Because of this, the clumsier
of the ordinary tanuki...
...were run over by cars
or caught in traps and killed.