Heisei tanuki gassen pompoko

Operation Poltergeist is a big success! Big success!
The tanuki were so sure
of their success that,...

...except for the tanuki on monitor duty,
no one watched the TV.

``The police and TV stations...''
``...are searching for anyone who
recorded tonight's mysterious parade.''

``As of now, no one has come forth,...''
``...making it difficult
to locate the perpetrators.''

``I was taping it with this,
but nothing got recorded.''

``This is very weird!''
``The monster came in
through this crack!''

``I was REALLY frightened!''
``There's no way a human could do that!''
``There really IS something
going on in this New Town.''

``If it were possible,
I'd like to move, but I can't.''

``We will broadcast a special program
concerning this incident at 12:20am.''

The more they try
to find out how it happened,...

...the more they will be forced
to admit that what they experienced...

...was not their imagination,
but irrefutable fact!

Then, when their advanced science and
deduction fail to solve this mystery...

...the humans will finally understand.
Now that the humans
have witnessed our new abilities...

...they will realize beyond any doubt
what a lowly existence they lead.

all things come to those who wait.

Celebrate rather than sleep!
Now shall we sing
and drink most heartily!

Only the defeated do not dance!
However, the next day,
the situation took an unpredictable turn.
