How's this for Fengxia?
Comrade, could I look at that one?
There's trouble at your home.
Red Guards are swarming over the place.
I just caught them on a ladder,
pulling off roof tiles.
From where?
No idea! The leader is a cripple.
You'd better hurry back.
A cripple?
Must be Wan Erxi!
He doesn't like Fengxia,
so he tears the place down.
Anything is possible.
Mr. Niu said he was a Red Guard.
We'd better hurry.
Don't forget your package!
Aren't you busy!
I brought some colleagues.
We're fixing the place up.
We replaced the roof tiles...
so it wouldn't leak anymore.
And we've painted Chairman Mao's portrait.
Fengxia helped us.
You're just in time.
We've just finished.
- Don't rush off!
- I'll make you something to eat.
We must be going.
Do stay! Come on inside.
Erxi painted this.
"The working class leads us all."
Erxi is good with his hands.