Aren't you busy!
I brought some colleagues.
We're fixing the place up.
We replaced the roof tiles...
so it wouldn't leak anymore.
And we've painted Chairman Mao's portrait.
Fengxia helped us.
You're just in time.
We've just finished.
- Don't rush off!
- I'll make you something to eat.
We must be going.
Do stay! Come on inside.
Erxi painted this.
"The working class leads us all."
Erxi is good with his hands.
He painted all the Chairman Maos
in our factory!
I'll get some water
so you can wash up.
Thanks, we'll go to the factory bathhouse.
You've gone to so much trouble.
Please come again.
What do you think about Fengxia and me?
We're happy if you are.
We approve.
Shall we set a date?
Anytime. You decide.
Fengxia's had a hard life.
If you don't mind...
let's make the wedding a real occasion.
To make her happy.