
Like the stroke is too short
and you're getting premature ignition.

I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
CouId you fix it temporariIy?
We're behind scheduIe.

I'II check with my boss. Don't go away.
- He seems nice enough.
- He's a trogIodyte!

- Intake vaIve?
- Busted muffIer?

- I'm gonna marry her.
- Who, the dame? That was fast.

- The car?
- Distributor cap.

I Iooked at her, she Iooked at me and...
It happened. You couId feeI it.

- Like death, but in a good way.
- He's screwy.

Pop! Pop, pop, pop! It was eIectric!
And then... Then I kissed her.
- You kissed a customer? When?
- In the future.

It was weird, Iike time and space
got mixed up. Like a Martian mind-meId.

- He's crackin' up.
- Stay away from the magazines.

No, you don't understand... The past,
present and future aII went together.

I had kids with her, I couId see the kids!
Two boys... No, three boys...

Excuse me! How Iong wiII aII this take?
WeII, that's up to you.
- It is?
- The car, you nut.

- The car... A few days.
- That Iong?

I'm gonna have to give it
my fuII attention.

WeII, I'd better caII a phone.
Can I use your cab?

There's a cab in the office.
But the uncertainty principle postulates
a universe of chaos, where
everything happens mereIy by chance.
