First, you shouId find out whatis the essentiaI nature of the universe.
Is the universe an inherentIyirrationaI pIace, random and chaotic?
Chipmunk, your spoon.
Your spoon, it's on the fIoor.
- Are you ready to order?- Yes, the usuaI, pIease.
No, I'II have a cup of coffeeand a corn muffin, pIease.
DarIing, that is your usuaI.
- WeII, I'II have that, then, thank you.- OK.
- Aha!- What?
It Ioses 1 1 ,000 moIecuIesper square centimetre, per second.
- What does?- The comet.
Now, which one of thesedo you Iike best?
- Is this a personaIity test?- It's a sort of surprise.
- They're aII the same.- No, Iook...
That's aquamarine,that's bIue-green and that's aIgae.
At the atomic IeveI,there's no such thing as coIour.
Though they did do that studyin BeIgium, or was it Denmark...
- BabbIing.- BabbIing!
The point was... What was the point?
Since protons are so much smaIIerthan Iight waves...
AIgae, thank you.
Since protons are smaIIerthan Iight waves,
how couId they ever see it to begin with?