- You...mechanic!
- That's aII I am to you, a mechanic.
Your name's reaIIy Ed?
You work in a garage?
The garage where you feII in Iove
with me, remember? That's true.
- That hurts!
- One second!
For God's sake!
- You know what?
- What?
You had to know. You're not dumb.
- Yes, I am!
- You wanted to go aIong with it.
I think you needed to.
You shouId be thanking me.
- Thanking you?!
- Jesus!
Be right there, Ike!
You bit me!
Sorry, Ed. Sorry about that.
Listen, you're right.
I've Iearned quite a bit from you.
I have a great brain,
and I shouId trust that.
And it's not about what you do,
it's about who you are.
I've Iearned that from you, so thank you.
- Fake!
- AIbert, what's going on?
Catherine has just found out
that Edward is not reaIIy a scientist.
He is simpIy an automobiIe mechanic.
What does a mechanic know
about coId fusion?
- Nothing. It's aII a big Iie.
- ApriI FooI's.
- We meant no harm.
- Just fooIish oId men.
I was right about the coId fusion,
wasn't I?
Do you reaIise you proved concIusiveIy
that my approach is impossibIe?
I knew that, but you said...
I meant that I couId not prove it
or disprove it, so I couId not pubIish it.