...the mathematical brilliance
of this simple mechanic,
who believes, in the land of the free
and the home of the brave,
nothing is impossible.
- Do the horn again, Edward.
- Ja, ja!
AIbert, we have our convertibIe!
This is Iike saiIing without the wetness.
WonderfuI thing you have made here.
Why aren't you smiIing?
- I gotta teII Catherine the truth.
- No, it's too soon.
She's faIIing in Iove
with the wrong guy, Doc.
Ja, but it's Iove. Edward, it's Iove.
- Catherine.
- No, thank you.
- Ed!
- Hi.
I was gonna ask you why
you use that operator there?
I often ask myseIf the same question.
It's just a stroke of briIIiance.
I'm just so cIose to figuring it out.
- TroubIe ahead.
- Maybe. Maybe not.
- If she finds the fIaw in our theory?
- We undermine her confidence.
- We shouIdn't do that.
- How?
We'II be obscure and obtuse.
Are you taking something for granted?
What if you question everything?
Look at it from a different perspective.
Question everything.
UncIe AIbert, couId this be right?