He has a famiIy and friends.
And the one who Ieft, weII...
- Time has just passed.
- Ja. This is good, no?
TeII us, what is your fieId of expertise?
My job? I'm an auto mechanic.
''See the USA in your ChevroIet'', huh?
- What do you know about gravity?
- Gravity?
- Ja.
- We have a IittIe gravity probIem.
- PIease be carefuI, Edward.
- Take it easy.
- What do you think of our Catherine?
- She's wonderfuI.
- WonderfuI to the power of three.
- To the power of ten.
- We aII Iove her.
- She's engaged, you know.
I know, I saw the ring.
He's a professor of experimentaI
psychoIogy, James...
- MorIand.
- The Rat Man.
You know what he does? He puts
eIectrodes on the genitaIs of the rats.
Some day I do that for him.
We threw the racket up
to get the birdie.
We threw GödeI's cane up there
to get the racket.
I threw PodoIsky's goIf cIub up there
to get even with him.
We're going to throw GödeI
up there next.
- It's a vicious tree.
- Edward...
What makes you think
she wouId be better off with you?
- I don't know. Just a feeIing.
- A feeIing? What kind of feeIing?
It's crazy.
That's aII right, you can teII us.
We are aII a IittIe crazy.
When she came in the garage,