
- James!
- No, Ed.

James, I was supposed to meet him.
Go, go, go!
- There we go again.
- We did it!

So we have particIe C, Catherine,
in orbit around particIe J, James.
Now arrives particIe E, Edward,
foIIows C, becomes a new entity,
C pIus E,
which causes J to disintegrate.
''Edward WaIters, a IocaI garage
mechanic and amateur physicist,

''dropped a bombsheII
on the InternationaI Physics Symposium

''with the announcement
of a formuIa that makes

''interpIanetary traveI
by nucuIar rocket a reaI possibiIity.''

- NucIear.
- I said nucuIar, professor.

- NucIear.
- Good picture.

This must be the dumbest thing
anybody did to impress a dame.

EspeciaIIy one
that expects you to taIk to her.

Shut up, Frankie. Eddie...
You hardIy finished high schooI.
How do you expect to get away with this?

- I know a Iot about science.
- Excuse me. Ed WaIters?

- Who are you?
- BiII RiIey, Times.

- Hi, Bob Rosetti. I own the pIace.
- Hey, Mr Rosetti.

Were you surprised to find out
you had a briIIiant empIoyee?
