I figured, since time doesn't exist,
who needs a watch?
That was ausgezeichnet.
Thank you.
- You're very weIcome.
- Next time, I bring my goggIes.
AII right, Doc.
Ah, Catherine!
- The garage.
- He's quite a guy, your uncIe.
- Yes, he... Do you know him?
- I get around.
Did you take him on that thing?
You took AIbert Einstein
for a ride on a motorcycIe?
- Don't ever do it again.
- Why not?
- He couId've been kiIIed.
- He Ioved it. He went ''Wahoo!''
- ''Wahoo!''?
- When did he Iast go ''Wahoo!''?
- I'm sure I don't know.
- When did you Iast go ''Wahoo!''?
- I'm sure I don't know.
- Want a Iift?
On that?
No... No...No.
''Come on, what couId happen?
So you die a IittIe.''
- HeIp me out, I'm nervous.
- ReaIIy? Why?
I'm trying to figure out
the best way to ask you to dinner.
- Mr...
- WaIters. Ed.
Right. I'm sure you're a very nice person.