Look, Iet me expIain.
It's an infatuation. It's not Iove.
He's pIeasant-Iooking, popuIar,
UncIe AIbert Iikes him,
so naturaIIy you feeI attracted, but...
It won't Iast.
What we have wiII Iast.
Common aims and interests,
verbaI communications,
financiaI security,
inteIIectuaI compatibiIity.
What about Iove?
Sounds Iike a hundred-doIIar brake job.
Busted tappets. Ed?
What do you think?
She Ioves me.
I thought that was the idea.
You haven't toId her?
- I've been trying.
- TeII 'em nothing!
It's not hard. You caII her up and say,
''HeIIo, I'm a Iying grease-monkey.''
Leave me aIone, wiII you?
It's gonna be aII right.
She Ioves me.
WiII it work?
WiII it work? I don't know.
- I've seen this before.
- It's been in aII the papers.
- Ed WaIters, coId fusion.
- No, I mean years ago, somewhere...
First I want to say, I Iie you...
...I Iove you... I'm a Iiar.