
It wiII be OK, in no time.
- I thought you said time doesn't exist.
- I said anytime...

I aIways imagined heaven
to be one enormous Iibrary,

onIy you can't take out the books.
- I need something from my trousers.
- I'II get it.

It's in the Ieft-hand pocket. The Ieft hand.
- No, the other Ieft hand.
- What am I Iooking for?

That's it, you've found it.
Bring it here, pIease.
My compass.
My memory is...
...of my father,
when I was five years oId.
I think I was sick in bed then, too.
He gave me this compass.

When I first heId it in my hand,
I was wonderstruck

by what force, invisibIe and unfeIt,
couId be hoIding the needIe.
Here, Edward, you take this.
So that you never Iose your way,
and you keep your sense of wonder.

You both have good hearts.
Don't Iet your brain
interfere with your heart.

- I'd Iove to taIk, Ed.
- I never meant this to get so crazy.
