Please...! Help!
- James.
- Professor!
- Is Catherine here?
- No. But I'm gIad you've come...
Dr Morland...!
- ShouIdn't somebody heIp him?
- It's a time deprivation experiment.
Go on, have a Iook. He can't see you.
This is right out of Martians
Ate My Brain. Ever read that?
- Don't I know you?
- Ed and I are working on something.
- ReaIIy? What?
- Attraction at a distance.
ShaII we have a Iook at the...?
PIease, don't touch anything, wiII you?
...the mice I was taIking about,
just round here.
The mouse has Iearnt that the red Iever
gives him an eIectricaI stimuIus
akin to sexuaI cIimax,
and the bIue Iever dispenses food.
Now, this one here
hasn't eaten for three days.
There. Now, why wouId he do that?
Excuse me a moment.
Gretchen, couId you...?
This is curious.
- That feIIow caImed down so quickIy.
- Yeah, it's funny.
Where's your watch?
You were wearing a wristwatch.