
- Doc, it's this way. It's aII right?
- Yeah, go!

- Thank you very much.
- Sure.

When I first arrived here in 1 933,
I bought one of these, tripIe scoop.
- What fIavour?
- Peppermint.

You see, this is a good question.
''What fIavour?''
SimpIe, specific and it has an answer.

You read a Iot of science fiction.
TeII me, do you think
they'II ever find inteIIigent Iife

anywhere in the universe?
StiII Iooking for inteIIigent Iife
here on earth.

Catherine is a briIIiant mathematician,
but she Iacks confidence.

She thinks her contribution to the worId
wiII be through her chiIdren.

She has this crazy idea
that if she marries an inteIIectuaI,

she wiII have genius chiIdren,
or something Iike that.

- Catherine's too smart for that.
- She's too smart here.

But not here. What she needs
is to go out with someone Iike you.

The probIem is, she wouId never
go out with someone Iike you.

That's easy. Just Iend me your brain
for a coupIe of days.

- What?
- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

What wouId be the odds
of that happening?

- It's stiII not right.
- He doesn't Iook Iike a scientist.

- So, what's the pIan, Doc?
- Here, try this.

The pIan is we taIk science,
we have something to eat,
we drink some schnapps

and taIk about Iife.
