Every morning!
Edward, just remember
why you are doing this.
- She's not here.
- He's never shown normaI inteIIigence.
- Think of that, nucIear fusion!
- These things happen.
Idiot savants,
a mentaI patient pIays chess,
a nine-year-oId from AIabama
spouts iambic pentameters...
It's packed!
To open our programme,
here with his paper entitIed,
''CoId Fusion-Powered
ExpIoration Paradigms'',
is our very own Edward WaIters.
Edward WaIters.
Doctor WaIters...
- Are you aII right, Doctor WaIters?
- Ed.
No, no, it´s P squared over N,
not N squared over P...
They forgot to transpose the Q value!
...she marries a genius,
she´ll have genius children.
- Do something, Nathan.
- I am, but it's not heIpfuI, or pIeasant.
- A nuclear-powered spacecraft!
- Time, Edward...