Just had too many Knödlisch for Iunch.
I need my piIIs.
- Catherine, you know where they are.
- At home.
Edward, you drive me.
AII right, you drive him home.
I'II coIIect your things, Catherine,
and see you at the Café Descartes Iater.
- Lie down.
- AIbert, you want us to come with you?
- Watch out, we're going.
- Goodbye, pIease.
Wait a minute. How do we get home?
Good question.
It's a IoveIy night. We'II waIk.
Look, I've found my piIIs.
Now, maybe we can
catch some of this in a gIass.
- We shouId get you out of this.
- Good idea.
Over there. That café, Edward.
A very bad AIbert Einstein joke?
- His first wife divorced him.
- I Iive too much here, not enough here.
- You have chiIdren?
- Two boys.
Hans AIbert. His mother named him
whiIe I was out of town.
- And Edward.
- Yes?
No, Edward was the name
of the other boy.
You must have Iived here at Ieast twice.
How did you first think of atomic fueI?
WeII, it just sorta hit me.