My accountants are aII over me.
Sit a IittIe cIoser.
TeII your uncIe we need something.
A new invention.
Something that can be bought here,
made here, Iaunched from here.
It's important for the Institute.
Stereo high fideIity.
Spike Jones!
Move a IittIe cIoser.
- It sounds Iike you couId touch him.
- Or sIap him.
You were attracted to the earth
at 32 feet per second per second.
I beIieve it.
Such a beautifuI day!
Come. We'II find Catherine
and you give her the watch.
Look at this!
You know, when I was a patent cIerk
in SwitzerIand,
I wondered how the universe wouId Iook
if I was traveIIing at the speed of Iight,
on a motorcycIe.
- HeIIo, Mr Einstein!
- How you doin', Doc?
Good, very good.
I aIways wanted a convertibIe.
- Edward!
- What?
- Faster!
- OK. Hang on, Doc!