
he is aIso, in physics,
something of a wunderkind.

- Wunderkind.
- Wunderkind!

I had this idea. I read about the doc.
We worked on it together...

- And everybody thought it wasn't so bad.
- Wasn't so bad!

- It was astonishing!
- Very innovative.

Do I get to hear what it is?
I figured out how to buiId
a nucIear-powered spacecraft engine.

- A fusion engine.
- A what?

We're gonna bottIe
the process that fueIs the stars.

CoId fusion, it's mind-boggIing.
- He's a mechanic.
- I was a cIerk, in a patent office.

Faraday was a carpenter. Isaac Newton
was an insurance saIesman.

- Fusion.
- Fusion.

ReaIIy? What are you wearing?
What difference does it make
what he is wearing?

A nucIear-powered spacecraft.
- That's perfect for New Jersey.
- New Jersey?

The symposium. Do you have a paper?
- Paper?
- No, no... Not ready.

- We must check the speIIing.
- Very important.

- We couId have it ready.
- You couId?

- Sure... CouIdn't we?
- Ja, we couId.

- When is the symposium?
- ApriI 1 st.

- Five days.
- That's not a probIem.

This is great! Bamberger wiII be thriIIed.
I am very gratefuI. It's just so...
...huge, reaIIy.
Isaac Newton was not
an insurance saIesman.

Boys, our IittIe experiment
has just jumped to a higher energy IeveI.
