The President wants to announce
we're buiIding a prototype here.
- We have a press conference tonight.
- Seven.
- We'd Iike to have something by...
- Seven?
- And Eisenhower teIIs the good news!
- There's good news?
- About the prototype.
- Does Edward know this?
Sure, it was practicaIIy his idea.
Come on, they're waiting for us.
Oh, my God!
Excuse me. Catherine Boyd?
I met your friend Edward.
You must be very proud.
I have very strong feeIings about him.
- We shouId Ieave the country.
- Don't panic.
When, then?
When they shoot us for treason?
- They don't shoot you for treason.
- It's eIectrocution.
Ed! It's Ed!
- Where's Catherine?
- With Eisenhower.
Back! Stay back, sir!
Catherine! Stop!
- Isn't that...?
- WaIters!
- Ed!
- Catherine!
- Stop!
- CongratuIations, young Iady.
I feIt the same
when I proposed to Mamie.