I know what it is to lose a son.
I know the sorrow Johanna teels.
- She has no right to him!
- She's his mother!
She's his mother!
What new insanity is this?
It has come to our attention
that you have been bribing servants...
in order to have access to the boy
in secret...
while you well know that Herr Beethoven
would not allow...
You are talking about my son.
My son, who I have not seen for a year,
who is being taught to hate me.
The decree ot the court states...
I know what it says.
Can you look me in the eye and tell me
a mother has no right to see her son?
I will fight this.
You will lose.
He has many enemies.
The filth was bad enough.
That man is mad.
He cannot hear a thing.
He's always shouting and yelling.
The landlord would chuck him out
trom his carrying on.
The boy is just as bad.
His uncle encouraged him.
I overheard them discussing how
they was going to beat me, so I lett.
Was the boy kept clean?
He'd go a month
without fresh underwear.
That man cannot look atter himself,
let alone a child.
I would now like to call
Karl van Beethoven.