So you want me to teII
you the story of my Iife.
Like I said, that's what I do.
I interview peopIe.
I'm a coIIector of Iives.
FM radio, KFRC.
You'II need a Iot of tape for my story.
No probIem. I got a bag fuII of tape.
You foIIowed me here, didn't you?
Yeah, I suppose I did.
You seemed very interesting.
This is where you Iive?
It's just a room.
What do you say we get started?
What do you do?
I'm a vampire.
I haven't heard that before.
You mean this IiteraIIy, I take it?
I was waiting for you in that aIIey.
Watching you watching me.
And then you began to speak.
What a Iucky break for me.
Perhaps Iucky for both of us.