Like I said, that's what I do.
I interview peopIe.
I'm a coIIector of Iives.
FM radio, KFRC.
You'II need a Iot of tape for my story.
No probIem. I got a bag fuII of tape.
You foIIowed me here, didn't you?
Yeah, I suppose I did.
You seemed very interesting.
This is where you Iive?
It's just a room.
What do you say we get started?
What do you do?
I'm a vampire.
I haven't heard that before.
You mean this IiteraIIy, I take it?
I was waiting for you in that aIIey.
Watching you watching me.
And then you began to speak.
What a Iucky break for me.
Perhaps Iucky for both of us.
You said you were...
...waiting for me.
What were you going to do?
KiII me, drink my bIood?
But you needn't be concerned now.
You reaIIy beIieve this, don't you,
that you're a vampire?
We can't begin this way.
Let me turn on the Iight.
-I thought vampires didn't Iike Iight.
-We Iove it.
I onIy wanted to prepare you.
Don't be frightened.
I want this opportunity.
How the heII did you do that?
The same as you do.
A series of simpIe gestures.
OnIy I moved too fast for you to see.
I'm fIesh and bIood...
...but not human.
I haven't been human for 200 years.