Fighting? OK.
You should have been here.
Fei-Hong defeated
all 5 of those gangsters.
What was this all about?
They tried to steal
the diamond necklace
that Ling sold to me.
You sold your diamond necklace?
Why didnt you tell us
Po Chi Lam needed more money?
We would have helped you.
You know we're all friends here.
No. The school
doesn't need money.
Here, you can take charge
of the funds we raised.
Stop that! Fei-Hong!
- Hi.
- Hello, Madam Wong.
I said stop it!
No, please, Master Wong,
don't hurt him!
He's drunk!
Mom, fetch me another bottle.
Wong: Go home now!
Yes, dear.
Do as he says. All right.
See you.
* Go home now, Daddy*
Go on. Follow him!
You didn't do any better.
And what were you trying to do?
You've ruined
the school's reputation!
They think were broke!
And you, you idiot,
what have I told you
about drunken boxing and
fighting in the streets?
Now, tell me,
is everything here so bad
you have to sell
your diamonds?
Come on!
Do you really think
I would have
sold something
that's precious to us?
I would never!
Don't lie to me!
How much money did you
lose playing mah-jongg?
Well, how much?
I always win at mah-jongg.
You don't know what
you're talking about.
Besides, who are you
going to believe,
me or friends?
Stepma, I believe you.
Shut up!
Did you hear what
I told you? Shut up!
You disobeyed me!
I said absolutely
no fighting and no drinking.
And above all,
no drunken boxing!
You even fought with me,
your own father!
You disgraced
your family name!
Wait! Wait! Hold on!
Would you stop hitting him?
He was just defending me!
They tried to break my jaw.
I guess that's something
you don't care about.
Damn you, woman!
It was forbidden!