
-You mean to do the test on a man?
-Why not?

Are you allergic to anything?
To me? You're nuts.
-Boarding pass?
-l don't have a boarding pass.

Only ticketed passengers
with boarding passes beyond this point.

Hear me out!
Sir, l need your ticket.
-Gate 68B to Paris.
-Quick. Thank you very much.

Pardon me. Excuse me.
Sorry. Excuse me. Pardon me.
Oh, my God.
You wouldn't be pregnant pregnant.
Sort of a guest host situation.
We fertilize the egg.
We implant it in the peritoneal cavity.
Dose it with Expectane.
Tiny thing, grain of rice.

You carry it through the first trimester.
We get our data. Boom, it's over.

4A. To your left.
51F. All the way back.
l'm going to just go....
l guess l was wrong about you, Hesse.
l took you for a scientist.
-l am a scientist.

Where's your vision?
Jenner infected himself
with smallpox to test his vaccine.

-That's Jenner.
-So why not you?

ls it possible? Who knows?
So what?
Good science? You bet.
Come and claim your place
in the Pantheon.

You're just trying to manipulate me.
Yes, l am. So what?
Excuse me. l have to ask you
to take your seat.

Yeah, all right. Just a second.
Look, cards on the table.
