Hope shall rise among our people
if we free Navarre.
How many men will you need?
Monsieur Mendès is back.
You'll get your money.
Only 300. Secrecy counts
more than numbers.
Last year, Monsieur Mendès' family
had to flee Spain.
l'm Jewish.
My wife's a Christian.
My family converted a long time ago.
That changed nothing.
The law forbids us to marry Catholics.
They want to keep the blood pure!
l'll give you the money
to save the King of Navarre.
Even if we are of different faiths.
So he converted! She made him?
No, she saved him!
And they are both prisoners?
l don't believe it!
l count seven lumps.
Anjou will live?
He'll be King?
He'll rule 14 years.
Anjou will rule after Charles.
And Alencon?
He'll rule after that?
Alencon will not live to be 30.
But his son? One of my sons
will have a son, right?
The liver is to the left:
Three deaths followed by decay.
My three sons!
Henri of Navarre...
will rule in their place.