Susannah, l try to guard
against depair, -
- but at moments it seems
all human decency has gone.
Alfred will recover from his wounds.
He and Tristan have drifted apart
l cannot understand it l miss you
more than you can imagine.
You're all that's clean
and cool and pure.
l close my eyes
and fix my thoughts on you.
l now regret that
we agreed to wait to marry.
l regret that we were never together
as we planned to be.
Please stay on at the ranch
and wait for me.
Don't let Father worry.
God will protectme,
aided considerably by Tristan.
He seems to have come to France
purely to nursemaid me.
Be well, my love.
Your own Samuel.
- l have to translate this.
-Alfred will want to see you.
l'll be there. Go on and go.
-Alfred ...
-Where's Samuel?
He's translating. He'll be here.
- Put that away.
- You'll be getting a medal.
- Yes, they're sending me home.
- l'm glad for you.
-An officer belongs with his men.
- Horseshit!
- Or what's left of them.