Milk Money

I was hiding
in the laundry basket.

Hey, Stacey.
Hi, Brad.
I saw you in
the drug store yesterday.

You were buying Juicy Fruit gum.
Are you going to
the dance Saturday?

It's a '50s sock hop,
you know.

I'm thinking of going
to the dance.

Can I wear
your jacket today, Brad?

Oh, come on,
what do you want for it?

I want to take you
to the closet...

No way!
You are so bad.
What'd you say to her?
I told her what I wanted.
I don't think
she's that kind of girl.

She's a girl, Frank.
All girls are
that kind of girl.

She didn't used to be a girl.
Hey, guys.
What are we looking at?
What's that?
I think it's an elbow.
What's it doing
with that other elbow?

Doesn't look like anything
I ever want to do,
that's for sure.

Will you stop cleaning?
Why do you do that?

My dad demands complete
order and sanitation.

I know a place where the girls
are naked all the time,

where guys can see naked girls
all they want, 24 hours a day

for anyone with guts
and a hundred bucks.

I don't believe
such a place exists.

Where is this?
What are you talking about?

The city.
We're not allowed
to go to the city.

In the city
there are no rules.

Everything is possible,
