You ever fart and sneezeat the same time?
You ever barf up somethingyou know you didn't eat?
I got sick one timeand barfed a whole shrimp.
I mean, I know I chewed it.
I got a better one.
Once, I barfed so hard
that I pulled a string beanout of my nose.
That was gross.
Oh, that's so slimy.
You know when you justwake up, and you're sick,
and you're just waitingto suck it down.
Aw, man you could hawk oneof those ten feet, easy.
No, no, no... it's betterto blow them out your nose.
No, no, it's better to suck.
Now, those are notthe best loogies.
My cousin hawked a loogie
from the top of theEmpire State Building.
Hit a lady in the head.Killed her.
He's in prison now.
In prison for snot.
Boom, boom.
Okay, you guys, come on.
We place herein the time capsule...
The sacred shoe box.
Okay, in the sacred shoe box,
the things we do not understand,
to be opened again when allthe mysteries of the universe
have been revealed to us.
Who's first? Kevin.
I found it in my mom's secretdrawer, in this plastic box.