I, on the other hand,
am a person.
I do what I want.
I take what I want.
I don't have to answer
to nobody.
Everybody answers to somebody.
You answer to Waltzer,
Waltzer answers
to Jerry the Pope.
Oh, oh, you think so, huh?
Waltzer steals from Jerry,
I steal from Waltzer.
They think that this
is their turf,
but they're wrong.
This all belongs to me.
I'm the man.
Yeah... you're the man, Cash.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, and the man's got
to go out.
Don't neither of yous two move
until I get back.
I am a person.
I'm a human being.
T ell the asshole
I'm borrowing his car.
Hey, you can't do that, V.
Oh, yes, I can.
Didn't your mothers tell you
not to play in the rain?
Bye. Thanks.
Thank you.
See you guys.