you can find...
a tiny wilderness.
Brian, don't be an idiot.
Hey, Dad... whoa.
I need to talk to you
for a second.
I didn't know
he had a daughter.
I need you to fix my car.
I was planning on
fixing that after school.
I can't wait that long.
I mean, I need to leave town.
I've got to get out
of here right now.
T ell me about it, lady.
We all want
to get out of here.
Are you late for an appointment
with a client?
Are you a religious fanatic
or something?
No. Why?
'cause you're just
the most understanding man
I've ever met.
Thank you.
Wow, look at this place.
What is this?
This is the...
T anapaya Wet Lands.
What's left of it.
This is the place that
you're trying to save?
It's so beautiful.
You think so?
Why would anybody
want to ruin this?
A glossy ibis.
I watch a lot of
documentaries on TV.
You know, maybe l
don't have to leave.
I mean, it's so safe here and
nobody knows about this place.
Except you and me.
Just you and me.
And the 20 of us.
I'll be home by 4:00.
I could fix your car then.
Can you manage on foot?
Yeah, I have this, this, um...