Milk Money

V, this is Frank.
From the can.
This is V.
My dad thinks you look
like Grace Kelly.

Good night.
Good night, Frank.
I'm telling you, she slept
in the tree house last night.

You're so full of shit.
Oh, my God-- a "C."
My dad is going
to kill me.

What's wrong with a "C"?
Her car broke down
in front of my house.

She had to stay.
She's there right now.
She's going
to tell on us, I know.

She's not there.
I bet you a zillion
billion dollars

that you are full of shit.
You're on.
Name your price.
Your leather jacket.
Oh, thank God-- a "D."
-Oh, no, no,

I'd rather bet
a zillion billion dollars.

Look, if she's not at my house
after school,

I'll be your slave for life.
These are
excellent terms, Brad.

You're toast.
Oh, no.
He got an "F".
