- Christ, yes!
- It goes with the territory.
These are the staff fiIes.
Sign here.
Then I'II give you the keys.
I'II fiIe this in here.
Together with aII the other fiIes.
We're aII in here, you know.
Here's your duty roster.
- Is that the aIarm from...?
- It'II never happen.
- Weird photograph.
- It's aIways been up there.
You can't keep the radio.
- Have you got one?
- I'm actuaIIy going to study...
Get yourseIf a radio!
- I'd better get myseIf a radio.
- Good.
Just one more thing...
There's nothing to be afraid of.
But it's a good thing to have.
Don't forget about the radio.
- Do you know your "Gretchen"?
- We have to Iearn it aII.
- Your director's an idiot.
- He's actuaIIy very sweet.
Why can't anyone be an idiot
in your IittIe worId?
Does that irritate you?